Appointment confirmation right in your calendar
Customisable Appointment Confirmation + that effectively reduces your cancellations and no-shows
Get your patients to actively "confirm" their attendance when they receive their appointment reminders
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Easily setup Appointment Confirmation +
Easily setup Appointment Confirmation +
Get your patients to confirm their attendance effortlessly and instantly see their confirmation in your calendar
With Appointment Confirmation + you can send a custom SMS for your patients and ask them to confirm or decline the upcoming appointment the same time they receive their appointment reminders. They can also leave you a comment that you get to see together with their choice instantly in the appointment notes in your calendar.
You can also opt in to receive an instant email with your patients comments and their attendance status, as soon as they click the button.
Customisable appointment confirmation page
Customisable appointment confirmation page
Fully customise the look and feel of the confirmation page by adding your logo, text and using your brand colors
Customise the appearance of your appointment confirmation page with personalized header image, contact details and colors to match your practice branding.
Reduce cancellation and no-show rate
Reduce cancellation and no-show rate
Active confirmation is very similar to a promise and that makes it harder to break for most people
With Appointment Confirmation + you ask your patients to voluntarily respond by actively confirming or declining the attendance to their upcoming appointment.
You can also get advance notice and ample time to fill the gaps in your calendar in case they decline, by properly adjusting the moment they receive your request to confirm their upcoming appointment.
Start using Appointment Confirmation + today to reduce your cancellations and no-show rates